JavaScript Language has following characteristics:
Other Points
- Lightweight: Small memory footprint, easy to implement
- Interpreted: No compilation, Instructions executed only
- Object Oriented: Modeled around objects
- First-class functions: Functions used as variables and parameters
- Scripting language: Writing instructions for runtime environment
JavaScript is used for
- Client side web development
- Frameworks: JQuery, AngularJs, React, EServer-side
- Server-side web development
- Frameworks: NodeJS, Express
Variable declaration and definition
- Declaration: Give a name to a variable
- Definition: Assign a value to the variable
Equal operations
- =: assigning value to a variable (a=30)
- ==: check the values (doesn't consider types)
- ===: check the values and types
- no overloading
- functions are objects
- functional expression : assign function to variable
- anonymous function: function with no name
Array methods
- push(value): value is appended to the last position of an array
- pop(): last element is removed
- shift():first element is removed
- unshift(value): values is appended as first element
Other Points
- Native JavaScript: Doesn't use any framework
- Doesn't associate type with variables
- If you declare a variable and not define yet: it has undefined value
- type of null in Javascript: object
- For all non-zero values variable return as true.
- JavaScript is not a class-based language: can add properties to object dynamically
- Arrays behave like an object
- Arguments: keyword that gets function arguments as list
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