Java Applications
There are mainly four types of Java applications.
- Standalone
- Web
- Enterprise
- Mobile
Java Features
There are several features in Java, but in here listed some important ones
- Platform independent
- Object oriented
- Multi threaded
- Distributed
- Robust (automatic garbage collection, exception handling, type checking)
Java Security
Java has 3 built-in security components;
- Classloader: Separate class files packages from imported packages.
- BytecodeVerifier: check the illegal access to objects
- Security Manager: check what resources can access the object.
C++ vs Java
- Static - No need to create an object to invoke the static method.
- Constructor - use to initialize objects
- Constructor name must same as the class name
- Constructor has no return type
- There are two types of constructors
- Default - no parameter
- Parameterized
- If there is no constructor defined in the class, compiler automatically create default constructor
- Constructor return value: current class instance
At the compiler stage, Java code is converted to a bytecode.
JVM: Java Virtual Machine, used to execute the Java bytecode.Platform dependent.
There are three types of variables in Java
- Local variable: variables define inside the method
- Instance variable: variables define outside the method but inside the class
- Static variable: variable declared as static
Data types
There are two kinds of data types in Java
- Primitive: Byte, char, int, short, long, boolean, double
- Non-primitive: String, array
- While loop: If number of iterations are not fixed use this one
- DoWhile loop: the loop is at least execute once.
- Variable:
- Refer common property for all objects (save memory)
- Method
- Belong to the class rather than object
- Can invoke without creating object
- this and super keyword can't use inside the static method
Types of inheritance (is-a)
In Java, multiple and hybrid interfaces are supported by interface only.If those are used in class level Java throws compile time error.
Aggregation (has-a)
Aggregation is based on entity reference
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