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Introduction to JQuery


  • Open source JavaScript library.
  • Cross browser compatibility
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Creating CSS

  • element : nothing added (body{})
  • class name : added fullstop (.clzname{})
  • id : added slash (#idname{})

JQuery Methods 
  • click(): can include actions when after clicking defined button
    • $("button").click
  • mouseover: can include actions when over the mouse on defined element
    • $(button').mouseover
  • hover : can include tow functions when the mouse is over it and not
    • $("img").hover
  • load : execute when complete page is fully loaded 
    • $("img").load
JQuery Actions
  • hide() : hide the defined content
    • $("#right").hide()
  • html() : change the html element with defined content
    • $("p").html("<p>My content<p>")
  • text() :  change the content as defined text
    • $("p").text("My Content")
  • addClass : Add defined css style to defined element
    • $("p:last").addClass("para")
  • removeClass :  remove defined css style to defined element
    • $("p:last").removeClass("para")
  • toggleClass: on and off defined feature
    • $("p:first").toggleClass("para")
  • fadeIn : appear the element after defined time 
    • $("#right").fadeIn(1000)
  • fadeOut : disappear the element after defined time
    • $("#right").fadeOut(1000)
  • fadeTo : appear the element after the defined time with defined capacity
    • $("#right").fadeTo(1000,0.5)
  • fadeToggle : on and off the element in defined time
    • $("#right").fadeToggle(1000)
  • append : append the html content as last part of the defined div elemnet
    • $("#right").append("<h2>this is header element</h2>")
  • prepend : append the html content as first part of the defined div element
    • $("#right").prepend("<h2>this is header element</h2>")
  • after :  append the html element after the defined div (not as part of it)
    • $("#right").after("<h2>this is header element</h2>")
  • before :  append the html element before the defined div (not as part of it)
    • $("#right").before("<h2>this is header element</h2>")
  • replaceWith : replace the defined content with new content
    • $("#right p").replaceWith("<p>replace paragraph </p>")
  • remove : remove the defined section
    • $("#right").remove()
  • attr : add images to the page
    • $("img").attr("src", "bear1.jpg")
  • each : iterate through list
    •  $("li").each
  • slideup : slide the section to up
    • $("#right").slideUp
  • slideDown : slide the section down
    • $("#right").slideDown
  • slideToggle :  slide up and down the section
    • $("#right").slideToggle()
JQuery Selectors
  • first : select the first element
    • $("#left p:first").hide() 
  • even :  select even elements
    • $("div:even").hide()
  • contains : select content of specifiied element
    • $("p:contains("center") ")
Chaining Method
  • Concatenating multiple methods that refer same selector
    • $("#left").css("color","red").css("border","solid 2px blue")
JQuery UI Methods

  • datepicker: add a calendar 
    • Properties
      • numberOfMonths
      • changeMonth
      • changeYear
      • showWeek
      • minDate
      • maxDate
  • Themeroller: get the different themes to your gadgets
  • tooltip : add tooltip for images
    • properties
      • content: override the text that shows
      • track : tooltip shows anywhere when you move your mouse
      • show : can add effects and duration for that effect
      • hide : can add effects and duration when you take your mouse away from that element
  • accordion : make sections from headers and div
  • menu : To create vertical menus
  • dialog :  To create message box
    • properties
      • resizable
      • draggable
      • modal : lock the entire screen except the dialog box
  • tabs : To create tabs
  • draggable : Make the elements as draggable one
  • resizable : resize the images
  • selectMenu : To create select menu
  • autocomplete : suggest automaticcal input values in the list


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