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Model-View-Controller (MVC)

MVC(Model-View-Controller) is a software design pattern.It divided your applications into three components

  • Model: Contain business rules and application Data
  • View: Presentation layer (user interface)
  • Controller: Handles the communication between view and model 

Objectives of MVC

  • Promote code usability
  • Implement separation of concerns 
    • Separate user interface and software logic

Web Frameworks That Use MVC

There are several web frameworks that use MVC design pattern. 
  • Ruby On Rails (Ruby)
  • Angular (JS)
  • Django (Python)
  • Express (JS)
  • Flask (Python)
  • Codeigniter (PHP)

Simple UseCase for MVC

In this use case scenario, Browser sends information that needs to create Employee Object, and Controller save that information in Model and Update the Employee View.

Following Image shows the class diagram for above Scenario.



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